Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's the End of the World as we Know It.

With rising gas prices, endlessly inflating economy, and maybe another Uwe Boll movie on the way the world seems to be at the end of it's chain. Not to be a pessimist (which I sadly am) but look around you! The cost of living is hard these days, supporting a child would be highly illogical.

The very sign of impending doom would be the sheer presence of one of these things:

holy fucking shit.

This, my friends is the largest earth mover in the world.
Yeah, I'm scared too. Hold me.

If that's not enough to convince you, the faltering economy in Zimbabwe has forced them to release (Listen closely) a One hundred... BILLION Zimbabwean dollar bill. Damn.

A Zimbabwean gangsta' shows us his 500 million G's yo!

Ahh Zimbabwe the only place where you can be a billionaire... unfortunately everyone else around you is one too, and that's not a good thing. A can of beans costs, if i remember correctly, two-hundred-fifty thousand Zimbabwean paper. Once again, I say... Damn.

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