Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's the End of the World as we Know It.

With rising gas prices, endlessly inflating economy, and maybe another Uwe Boll movie on the way the world seems to be at the end of it's chain. Not to be a pessimist (which I sadly am) but look around you! The cost of living is hard these days, supporting a child would be highly illogical.

The very sign of impending doom would be the sheer presence of one of these things:

holy fucking shit.

This, my friends is the largest earth mover in the world.
Yeah, I'm scared too. Hold me.

If that's not enough to convince you, the faltering economy in Zimbabwe has forced them to release (Listen closely) a One hundred... BILLION Zimbabwean dollar bill. Damn.

A Zimbabwean gangsta' shows us his 500 million G's yo!

Ahh Zimbabwe the only place where you can be a billionaire... unfortunately everyone else around you is one too, and that's not a good thing. A can of beans costs, if i remember correctly, two-hundred-fifty thousand Zimbabwean paper. Once again, I say... Damn.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Funny picture time!

Nothing, just wanted to post these. You might even get a laugh or two.

I'll be posting more in the coming weeks.

REVIEW: Stuff that you don't watch.

Fantastic 4: The World's Greatest Heroes
(originally written in my multiply)

Fantastic 4: The World's Greatest Heroes is a cartoon series that airs on Cartoon Network, don't ask me when because I don't know. Anyway, from the exterior, this seems like a pretty good show (it's well drawn.... erm.... and it's well drawn). I've seen two or three episodes while channel surfing an I think that's enough for writing a review. Notice above that all I mention that's good about this show is the drawing style, THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!!!! That's how it avoided the 1-star rating.

What makes this show bad you ask? Well, everything. Let me enumerate: 1) It tries too hard to be an anime. Looking at the artistic stand point, you maybe asking yourself "This looks American! That Mark Ramos dumbass doesn't know what anime iz!!!1!1!" Well Narutard, shut up I may not like anime that much, but if you look closely, look at the way they talk, the characters stand completely still while they do so, like oh yeah! Anime. Second is the character animation. Juxtapose an anime and a real American cartoon, the first thing you may notice (aside the overly huge anime eyes) is the outline of the characters. American animaton tends to have thicker outlines while anime has the opposite. This particular cartoon has really thin outlines, kinda like a thing called.... What is it? Oh yeah! Anime. 2) Predictable storyline. A typical episode (the two or three I saw mostly) goes like this: a) Superhero meeting! b) Big fight thingy! c) Peaceful (usually) ending At least once every episode, The (INCREDIBLY Hot, ahem, I meant "well drawn") Invisible girl will at one point, use her telekinetic powers to help out the others, but almost inevitably, lose all her strength sending the others to help her out. This renders her almost completely useless. Why almost? Her only purpose is to keep the drooling fanboys watching. Again once in at least every episode, The Thing will have some kind of argument with The Human Torch. Everyone knows they don't really like each other in the comics but we don't have to be reminded in (almost) EVERY... SINGLE... EPISODE And last and certainly least, the elastic douchebag "Mr. Fantastic" will save the day or solve the problem every episode despite the fact his power of elasticity is near useless. I mean, what would you rather have? Turning into a living pillar of fire capable of destroying everything in your path until hindered by water, or an elastic douche that can reach things in virtually unreachable areas! Call 631-0000 to order your... Whoops got carried away there. Anywho, Living fire, living rubber band? Tough decision, no? 3) Downright BORING After reading this, I think you have an idea about the "World's greatest heroes". I just gave you the summary of the whole series right above! I just sat there watching because it's like an accident or a dying roach, you want to look away but you can't. Yeah. that's how I'll describe this... this... thing. Something you can't look away from because you want to see what stupid thing they'll do next.



blah blah blah. this that this that.